Benetech Chemical Agents for Superior Dust Control

Economical Efficient & Eco Friendly dust suppression

Benetech’s dust suppression chemical agents help ensure governmental compliance, create a safer workplace, and reduce the risk of fire and explosions.

The Environmental Protection Agency recognizes chemical dust suppression as the “Best Available Control Technology” for various material handling applications.

Benetech’s renowned chemists perform constant product research and development at our onsite lab facilities for Dust Suppression Chemical Agents. As a result, our dust suppression chemical agents must pass intensive testing before receiving our seal of approval. The result is chemical dust suppression that helps you achieve optimal compliance and safety.

Chemical Dust Agents

SeriesChemicalLocationTreated Material
100 Series (Foaming Series)BT-105FCrushers, Feeders, Conveyor TransfersLignite, PRB, Limestone, Ash, and most moisture sensitive materials
200 Series (Wetter Series)BT-205WRCD, Bottom Dump, Open Hopper, Short Term (1 Transfer)PRB, Lignite, Gravel, Wood Chips, Scrap Metal Recycling, Taconite, Biomass, Petroleum and Metallurgical Coke, Iron Ore, Sinter, Clinker
BT-210WRCD, Bottom Dump, Open Hopper, Mid Term (6 Transfers)PRB, Lignite, Gravel, Wood Chips, Scrap Metal Recycling, Taconite, Biomass, Petroleum and Metallurgical Coke, Iron Ore, Sinter, Clinker
400/600 Series (Residual Series) BT-425Long Term (to Pile)PRB, Lignite, Gravel, Wood Chips, Scrap Metal Recycling, Taconite, Biomass, Petroleum and Metallurgical Coke, Iron Ore
BT-668Long Term (to Pile)PRB, Lignite, Gravel, Wood Chips, Scrap Metal Recycling, Taconite, Biomass, Petroleum and Metallurgical Coke, Iron Ore
Pile SealerBT-PSCStockpileAny material stored in piles for a length of time. Coal, Coke, Limestone, Biomass, Ash, Construction Sites
Pile and Haul SealerDust TarbtStockpile, Haul SealerStorage stock piles, haul road dust, construction sites

Chemical Agents

*All chemical agents are available in bulk tanks, 330-gallon totes, and 55-gallon non-returnable drums. Ask about our 5-gallon sample to try before you buy.

100 Series (Foaming Series)

Foaming Series Benetech Chemical Agents

The 100 Series is a low moisture addition foaming/surfactant dust control agent recommended as a foamable wetter agent for strongly hydrophobic materials. Our foam chemical agents’ patented technology combines foaming and wetting characteristics to allow easy mixing with water. This chemical agent lowers the required moisture for effective dust control and maximum BTU.

Applied to difficult impact areas, the foam covers and then captures airborne dust. Primary uses include reclaiming applications where minimizing moisture and the boiler is critical, crusher windmills, and applications where extra moisture can create chute pluggage.

Typical application points include transfers, crushers, and screening operations to control airborne dust emissions at the transfer, along the conveyor run, and at the material processing location. A single dose is effective through multiple transfer points in material handling systems.

200 Series (Wetter Series)

Wetter Series Benetech Chemical Agents Bottom DumpThe 200 Series is a concentrated surfactant blend used as a wetter agent to reduce dust levels occurring above and below ground in the mining, transportation, and processing materials. Wetter chemical agents increase water’s ability to wet dust particles and suppress material emissions, allowing you to control dust with less mess and moisture.

Water’s relatively high surface tension (72 dynes per centimeter) makes water alone insufficient to penetrate crushed coal, rock, or other fibrous materials. In addition, because water’s surface is hard, water particles bounce off dust particles instead of wet them. Adding wetter agents to water lowers its surface tension to 28–36 dynes per centimeter, improving its ability to wet particles, penetrate material and decrease dust. As a result, you set up less equipment at fewer application points for less cost.

These surfactants suppress dust in rapid material movement applications such as conveyor transfers, rotary cars, bottom-dump rail car unloaders, and ship and truck unloading hoppers. A single dose is effective through multiple transfer points in material handling systems.

400/600 Series (Residual Series)

The 400/600 Residual Series provides excellent, long-term dust control for storage piles. This cost-effective dust treatment chemical controls airborne dust generated during the conveying process and minimizes fugitive dust problems associated with material stackout, stockpiles, and material moving equipment. A single dose is effective through multiple transfer points in material handling systems.

Encrusting Agents: Pile & Road Haul Sealers

Benetech’s encrusting agents produce a semi-permanent shell over your material. This coating guards against rain and wind erosion, improving safety and reducing maintenance costs. These products also prevent air from entering, minimizing oxidation in sealed piles and reducing the risk of spontaneous combustion. Benetech’s encrusting agents provide excellent pile sealing, slope control, and rail car topper solutions.

GreenTarp is a blend of polymeric emulsion binding agents, surfactants, and recycled cellulosic products formulated to reduce fugitive dust emissions and erosion from inactive storage piles and various ground covers. Seals all types of material, including coal, coke, metallic ores, fly ash, mine tailings, waste materials, and ground covers.

Belt De-Icers

Belt De-Icer
  • Belt De-Icers are a cold-weather solution.
  • Non-corrosive
  • Does not affect the properties of the material
  • Does not alter the fusion temperature of the material

BT-915 and BT-930 minimize rail and barge unloading problems during winter operations. BT-951 and BT-952 minimize icing, freezing, and material slippage on conveyor belts during low-temperature winter operations. Each winter season, industries confront having to unload and handle frozen coal, coke, and other materials. Freezing in loaded rail cars, bunkers, and conveying equipment can create higher labor and maintenance costs, as well as expensive demurrage.

When frozen, a material with as little as 6% surface moisture can cohere so strongly that special handling is needed to break up the mass. Benetech’s freeze control products use advanced chemistry to modify and weaken ice, so it readily fractures. They also work as dust control agents to hold fugitive dust particles on coal surfaces during off-loading and handling under even severe weather conditions.

Fly Ash Conditioners

These cost-effective conditioners significantly reduce fly ash. Working as a set retardant, they delay hardening and weaken the bond, resulting in easy, efficient clean-up of pug mills. In addition, you no longer need to contend with labor-intensive, high-energy removal methods – a basic hose will remove the ash for transfer.

Chemical Agents Literature

Chemical Agents - FlyerDownload
Pile & Haul Road Sealer - FlyerDownload
GreenTarp - FlyerDownload