Engineer, procure, and construction management. In addition, to meet the Maryland Clean Air Act requirements, Eastern Utility modified existing systems to enable conversion from bituminous to convert to sub-bituminous coal.
- The feasibility study focused on utilizing sub-bituminous fuel in the handling system.
- Test burn
- Equipment upgrades
- Six transfer systems, including Advanced Engineered Chutes, Conventional chutes, and the InteliFlo Transfer System. The smallest system handles 500 TPH, and the largest handles 4400 TPH.
- Two Wet Dust Extractor Systems installed on tripper floor and cascade floors.
- Dust Suppression Systems installed at stakeout and on ½ mile-long conveyor gallery.
- Plant Professionals provided education for the plant’s personnel on the special characteristics of sub-bituminous fuel.
- Plant Professionals provided guidance and oversight for preparation of the coal yard, receipt of the fuel, the introduction of the fuel to the system, and burning of the fuel.
- With an extremely tight schedule of 5 months, all system upgrades were engineered, fabricated, installed, and operational on time.
- Equipment upgrades have significantly minimized dust and spillage issues
- Benetech drastically minimized maintenance and housekeeping requirements of existing systems
- New chutes control the flow of material to reduce dust generation, minimized wear on the chute and receiving belt, and load the belt where material discharged matches the direction and speed of the receiving conveyor.
- Dust Suppression now controls overall dust generated at stackout and pile management.
- Operators, coal handlers, maintenance personnel, and plant management are all educated on the special characteristics of PRB coal and the handling requirements of the new fuel.